Normalcy Bias and Policing

“Normalcy bias” refers to our tendency to underestimate the chance of disaster occurring simply because it has never happened to us before. This attitude can impact many aspects of police work from how officers prepare for rare but dangerous events to their everyday interactions with community members. Here are just a few examples of contributing factors that impact officers and agency leadership.

Officer Preparedness

Cops may not be adequately equipped for unusual yet high-risk scenarios like mass shootings or terrorist attacks if they believe "this can't happen here". A lack of training and preparation may make these events even worse.

Community Relations

Police leaders and street cops may assume that since things have been peaceful in the past, their approach doesn't need to change even though there may be signs that residents are unhappy.

Threat Evaluation

Officers can often overlook warning signs of violence or unrest, thinking everything will remain calm as usual until something unforeseen and sudden happens that turns violent or unpredictable. In such a scenario, officers could find themselves unprepared when tensions suddenly escalate unexpectedly.

Administrative Inertia

Police leadership may assume the perspective that “we’ve always done it this way.” Or, they may develop an aversion to risk and ambiguity. This can make it harder for police agencies to adapt quickly to new challenges or community expectations.

Public Perception

Society may assume that just because crime rates or police methods have not changed significantly over time, that they will continue as before without change being necessary. Police leadership might disregard signs that change is required because they don’t perceive large numbers of citizens or elected officials to be complaining about police services.

Risk Evaluation

Police officers can often underestimate how dangerous a situation truly is; for example, “routine” traffic stops may quickly turn violent without warning, leaving officers surprised and unable to respond in a way that avoids their injury or death.

Crisis Response

When disasters like hurricanes or floods strike, police might rely too heavily on predefined procedures that don't reflect the unique challenges posed by each crisis.

Bias and Stereotyping

Police may make generalized assumptions about crime rates among certain communities or groups, leading to unfair policing practices and practices which violate civil liberties.


Understanding normalcy bias can aid police work by revealing areas in which training or policy changes need to be implemented, benefitting both officers and the communities they serve.


Near Misses in Policing